Jamaica Recipes
All the recipes that are found in the Caribbean, Jamaican recipes to the most popular and very spicy. There are certain ingredients that are used to sample this beautiful and rich the food, which manifest themselves slowly, and is increasingly popular throughout the world.
The ackee tree, although most consider to be an ornamental plant only by Jamaicans for the edible fruit maintains that it is well known. The fruits of this plant is bright and red when it is ready to burst openshow a bright yellow flesh. In most cases, the flesh of this fruit is used for breakfast, but it should not be eaten before reaching sexual maturity, because it is toxic, in fact.
Then there are the spices like Pimienta (all spice) and annatto, which are both integral parts in every Jamaican recipe. The Pimienta is about the size of a juniper berry and dark brown in color and has aromas of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to it.
What annatto pepper is reddish yellowColor and has a slightly musky flavor. It is produced by grinding the seeds from the annatto tree, but also beautiful colored oil can be produced from them as well. If you make some Jamaican dishes, but difficulties in obtaining annatto either saffron or turmeric can be used in its place.
The other ingredients used in many recipes and Jamaican flour, Bay Rum has come from the ackee tree, the same as you will with Pimienta available.Normally this will be used as a flavoring for soups and stews.